Minco Return to Learn Plan


Masks/Face Coverings:

  • Masks or Face Coverings WILL NOT be required  to begin the year.
  • Those who choose to wear face coverings are encouraged to do so.
  • If the governor declares a state of emergency during the year, a mask mandate will be considered.

Quarantining Guidelines for students of staff who have Covid:

  • If a student or staff member is ill or tests positive with Covid, that person will be required to quarantine for a period of 10 days.

Quarantining Guidelines for students and staff that are exposed to Covid:

  • Students or staff who have been vaccinated with the Covid vaccine, do not have to be quarantined.
  • Students or staff who are wearing masks or face coverings do not have to be quarantined.
  • Students or staff who are not wearing masks or face coverings and sit within 6 feet will have to be quarantined for a period of 10 calendar days or may come back on day 8 if they have a negative test result on days 5 to 7.
  • Students who have had tested positive for Covid and not been vaccinated will have a 90 day window to not have to be quarantined if exposed.  However, on day 91 the quarantining rules will apply again.

Quarantining for illness other than Covid:

  • Students or staff who have RSV, the FLU, airborne illnesses or viruses, must stay home until they are completely fever free for 24 hours.  PLEASE DO NOT COME TO SCHOOL SICK.

Educational Opportunities:

           Minco Public Schools will  offer virtual instruction to students through the Tri City Learning Academy this year.  Students who are in person and are quarantined will be educated through the Google Classroom portal and other teacher led initiatives.

Other Information:

  • Handwashing and Sanitization will be enforced multiple times daily.
  • Sanitization of facilities will continue this year.
  • Air purification systems will be considered by the district.
  • Minco Public Schools will continually keep you informed about the Covid situation at our school