Thank you, Marsha Strunk

Thank You, Marsha Strunk

By Kevin Sims,  Minco Superintendent

It is safe to say that If you graduated from Minco High School since 1988, you had an English class with Mrs. Marsha Strunk.  Mrs. Strunk announced earlier this year that after nearly thirty-five years of service to Minco Public Schools she was retiring.  Mrs. Strunk is the epitome of a great teacher, a caring person, and a wonderful teacher of English.  

Mrs. Strunk can flat out teach school.  She has spent many hours teaching children how to write correctly, tell the difference between a noun and a verb, and how to punctuate their work.  Mrs. Strunk also has taught the joy and love of literature.  She has taught many great novels and stories that our students would have never been exposed to.  Mrs. Strunk has been very passionate about her work.  Our children are better writers and readers because of her work.

Mrs. Strunk cares.  She loves her students.  There is no way to know how many students she has counseled.  Many children have sought her advice and guidance throughout the years. Marsha Strunk is an advocate for children, and she is a fighter for children.  I have seen her impact as a teacher from my position as superintendent and as a parent of three daughters who has had her as a teacher.  My daughters’ lives are better because of Mrs. Strunk.

As mentioned above, Mrs. Strunk has been an English teacher for many years.  She has also sponsored many proms, academic teams, and several trips to Europe with many students and their families.  Marsha Strunk has gone above and beyond her role as a teacher of a subject to positively impact and influence the lives of hundreds and hundreds of Minco High School students.  Mrs. Strunk is the ultimate professional, and the care, love, and respect she has for her students will not be replaced.

Mrs. Strunk, thank you for your impeccable service to Minco Public Schools and to the Minco community over the four decades you have been a part here.  We wish you the best as you enjoy your well-deserved retirement!!  God speed!!